Is Your Land Affected by the AMP 30 Inch Express Pipeline?
The AMP Pipeline is planned to cross Austin, Waller and Washington Counties. In the video, Attorney Philip Hundl describes this pipeline and cautions landowners about making uniformed agreements.
Summary of the AMP Pipeline Video
– Hi I’m Philip Hundl, I’m an attorney with Land Rights Law in Wharton County, and I specialize in land litigation with a focus on representing landowners in condemnation matters.
From time to time I try to bring to your attention, the different Texas eminent domain projects that I’m running across. I’ve had landowners reach out to me recently concerning this AMP Pipeline project.

Initially the route doesn’t seem very clearly defined. I think the company is still determining the precise route of the project. The official name of the project is the AMP 30 Inch Express. It’s a 30 inch natural gas pipeline.
They’ve filed a T-4 Application with the Texas Railroad Commission, and the pipeline is projected to run through Austin, Waller, and Washington Counties. The owner of the pipeline is AMP Interstate Pipeline LLC. And once again, it’s referred to as the AMP 30 Inch Express Pipeline.
As I get more information I will post another video. Hopefully I’ll have a more defined route, and I can post that.
Learn About Your Condemnation Rights Before You Sign an Agreement
If you’re a landowner in Austin, Waller, and Washington Counties, and you’ve been approached by a right-of-way agent concerning the AMP Pipeline you need to learn about your property condemnation rights. Just know with any other pipeline projects or condemnation projects, you need to know your rights as a landowner. You also need to be careful what you agree to.
Please be very wary of signing anything like a temporary access agreement or responding to a request for property information. Be very cautious.
I always suggest that landowners talk with an attorney who is familiar with property condemnation and eminent domain matters. From the very beginning it’s important to not consent or agree to something that later you will wish that you hadn’t.
The Right of Way Agent Is Not Working for You
Oftentimes, unfortunately I see right-of-way agents getting land owners to agree to easement agreements that frankly, the route could potentially still be moved, that would be more accommodating to the landowner, but the landowner just didn’t ask. So, be very careful.
With this pipeline project once again, if you’re approached by a right-of-way agent, listen and review the information provided, and then go seek some competent legal representation, or at least legal advice on this condemnation matter. So with that, good luck.
Learn More at Our Bellville Condemnation Information Session
If you’re a landowner in Austin, Waller or Washington Counties, and you might be affected by the AMP Pipeline, please consider attending our planned information session, February 12, in Bellville. Call 800-266-4870 for more information. If you’d like a complimentary case evaluation, please click this link and complete the form.
Call 800-266-4870 or text 979-320-9320 for an appointment. We can also arrange for online and telephone appointments all over Texas.