What Are Issues You Should Negotiate in an Easement Agreement
Your easement agreement will govern the easement’s impact on your property now and for years to come. You need an experienced attorney in your corner to help ensure that your rights and your land are protected. In this video, Attorney Philip Hundl talks about some issues that you might consider in negotiating your easement agreement. Call 800-266-4870 for an appointment to learn more.
Summary of Pipeline Easement Agreement Issues
– – All right. We’re here in Matagorda County on Highway 60. We’re at the site of new pipeline construction. The work that was just done was boring under the road and you can see the point of boring in.
They put a valve station probably about 150 feet from the road. This was done about two weeks ago. As you can see, there’s lots of dirt still piled up. There’s some pipe that still needs to go in the ground.
There are few things I want to point out. We’ve got the board road here. We’ve had quite a bit of rain recently, and so they’ll lay this board road down.
As you can see, there’s a lot of splinters from the board road coming up. That will end up staying on the property. Even though companies will claim they’ll clean it up, a lot of times there’s lots of debris left behind. Another thought instead of board roads is to have rubber mats. And you’ll see that from time to time.
Overhead, you can see they’ve put up some overhead guide, I guess you’ll want to call those flags, so the equipment won’t hit the powerlines that are overhead. And that’s a safety precaution you’ll see often times.
Once again, this is a pipeline that’s crossing Matagorda County. It’s a significant line. It looks to be about a 36-inch line going in. And it crosses the road. We can pan over to the other side where they’ve bored in, and then they’ve bored out the other side.

Okay. I was talking about this board road here. These board mats that they’re laid down. These are railroad ties. A lot of times you’ll have debris like this that’s left behind. They haven’t picked up this board road yet. So hopefully they’re going to pick up that debris and not leave it here for the landowner.
Also the piles of dirt, as you see, what is normally negotiated is a double ditching, where the lower subsoil is put to the side. And once the pipeline’s put in, that lower subsoil is put back where it was before. And then the topsoil, which is going to be more fertile soil, is put back on top. You don’t have that clay soil that’s normally underneath the topsoil put on top. So that’s critical. And that’s something that, you know, a landowner needs to make sure is done after construction is completed.
Call Attorney Philip Hund for Experienced Help in Negotiating Your Easement Agreement
Call 800-266-4870 for the legal help you need to ensure that you understand your rights as a Texas landowner in condemnation proceedings. In your situation, you’ll be negotiating with a very experienced legal team working for the other side. You want to make sure that your team is equally capable, and you can do that by calling Philip Hundl.
Call 800-266-4870 or text 979-320-9320 for an appointment. We can also arrange for online and telephone appointments all over Texas.