In this video, Landowner Condemnation Attorney Philip Hundl talks about the Kinder Morgan Freer to Sinton Pipeline Project. If you’re a landowner facing condemnation, you need an experienced attorney to guide you through the process. Call or text 800-266-4870 for a meeting with Mr. Hundl. Appointments can be in-person, online or by phone. You can also click the button below for a no-obligation case evaluation.
Summary of the Kinder Morgan – Freer to Sinton Pipeline Project
Hi, I’m Philip Hundl. I’m an attorney in Texas. My practice area focuses on representing landowners facing eminent domain or condemnation proceedings, and also, I represent landowners in land partition matters.
I’d like to bring you a pipeline alert. I do this from time to time. What I’ve found is there are lots of landowners out there who are getting contacted by right-of-way agents and they don’t have information on the projects affecting them. They would like information on the project, and they want to understand the whole condemnation process. To protect their rights as landowners they need to get information on how right-of-way acquisition works and how pipeline companies use the power of eminent domain.
Description of the Kinder Morgan Freer to Sinton Pipeline
So what I want to talk to you about today is the Freer to Sinton Pipeline Project. It’s a Kinder Morgan Pipeline project. Specifically Kinder Morgan Tejas Pipeline LLC will be the operator and I believe the owner of the project. It’s a very new project. It’s just in it’s early stages.

The right-of-way acquisition company is EnSite USA. That’s the right-of-way acquisition company that Kinder Morgan Tejas has hired to contact landowners, talk to landowners, and work on attempting to purchase easement agreements. If not, then the process will get started to condemn those tracts.
So where is this project? The pipeline will originate at a facility in Duval County, northeast of Freer. It’s going to run east through Jim Wells County and cross under Highway 281. Then it’s going to take a turn to the northeast to run into San Patricio County and to the Sinton area.
It’s a natural gas pipeline, and the plan right now is for it to be a 42-inch diameter line. So it will be a very large diameter natural gas pipeline. You’ll see the Kinder Morgan name in the documents that are presented by the right-of-way agents from EnSite.
Take Action to Protect Your Landowner Rights
Once again, if you’re a landowner remember there are certain rights you have and there are certain obligations that a condemnor has. The condemnor is the entity that is attempting to use the power of eminent domain to condemn your land for either an easement or a fee simple interest. In this project, they’re seeking permanent pipeline easements, temporary workspaces, temporary pipeline easements, and also some surface sites and access road easements. The specifics depend on your property and where it’s located on the project.
So hopefully, that’s helpful for you if you’re contacted about this Freer To Sinton Pipeline Project of Kinder Morgan. Good luck.
Protect Your Rights with Experienced Legal Help
Call or text 800-266-4870 for an appointment with Philip Hundl. You can arrange for a meeting in-person, online or by phone. You can also click the button below to request a no-obligation case evaluation.
Call 800-266-4870 or text 979-320-9320 for an appointment. We can also arrange for online and telephone appointments all over Texas.