In this video, Landowner Condemnation Attorney Philip Hundl talks about the latest information from the Lake Ralph Hall Pipeline Project. If you’re a landowner affected by this water pipeline, you should talk with a lawyer who is experienced in helping landowners with condemnation and eminent domain matters.
You can call or text 800-266-4870 for an appointment with Mr. Hundl. Or click the button below for a no-obligation case evaluation. We can meet with you by phone, online or in person.
Philip Hundl was everything and more when we were faced with possible condemnation by a pipe line. He made himself available to us within hours of first talking to him, did a careful examination of our property to fully understand our concerns, and then he gave us a complete and clear pathway to follow. I could not have been more impressed. A true Texas gentleman and a scholar. Look no further.

Karen Danburg.
Google ReviewSummary of the Lake Ralph Hall Pipeline Project Update
Hi, this is Philip Hundl. I wanted to give you a project update. We did a video a while back on the Lake Ralph Hall Pipeline, and it seems like that has picked up some momentum. Landowners are being contacted by right-of-way agents once more. Now it looks like the project is proceeding.
As we mentioned in the earlier video, Lake Ralph Hall is in Fannin County, near Ladonia, Texas, and this pipeline runs from Lake Ralph Hall south in Hunt County, and then it moves over into Collin County. The pipeline will provide water to a lot of different cities, one of which is McKinney. This is a 32-mile pipeline, and I think it is going to be 60 inches in diameter. Water lines are typically very large lines. So if you’re affected by this pipeline, it is important that you know your rights.
Any Pipeline Easement Will Affect Your Property’s Use and Value
Sometimes people think it’s just a water line, so why worry much about it. However water lines are not very different from high-pressure gas lines or petroleum lines in their impact on the landowner.
Without a doubt, the product in the line is different, but there are still limitations on what you can do on your property when there is this easement on your property. I’ve got lots of landowner clients who are concerned about being able to cross the easement. Those landowner concerns need to be addressed in the easement agreement.
The Lake Ralph Hall Pipeline Will Have Above Ground Appurtenances
Landowners are also concerned about above ground appurtenances. It’s very important to limit what pipeline appurtenances can be placed above ground. I’ve got some photos of different appurtenances that may or may not be allowed on an easement that is burdening your property.
The Right-of-Way Agent Doesn’t Work for You
So, I just wanted to give kind of an update. If you’ve been contacted by a right-of-way agent or a representative of the Upper Trinity Regional Water District, then know what it’s about. Know that they don’t represent you, they’re representing the condemnor.
If the condemnor is unable to reach agreements with everyone that it needs easements from, I believe that the condemnor will exercise the power of eminent domain through the condemnation process. So it’s very important for you to understand your rights, their obligations, and the things that they have to do to comply with the law when they’re using the condemnation process.
So to understand your rights and their obligations, you should meet with an attorney who practices in eminent domain and condemnation. Your lawyer can explain your rights, their obligations and the condemnation process in Texas.
Prepare Yourself by Meeting with an Attorney
Once again, the Lake Ralph Hall Pipeline is a water pipeline, and we’re beginning to see more activity on it. These waterline projects often take many years to accomplish. They are similar to some of these big TxDOT highway projects. We hear about the projects for a long time, and it seems like nothing really happens. Then all of a sudden things are budgeted, or things are scheduled by the particular entity, then construction ramps up. It seems like that’s what’s happening right now with this project.
Call or text 800-266-4870 to set up a meeting with Philip Hundl. You can also request a no-obligation case evaluation by clicking the button below.
Call 800-266-4870 or text 979-320-9320 for an appointment. We can also arrange for online and telephone appointments all over Texas.