In this video, Landowner Rights Attorney Philip Hundl talks about a new pipeline project called Blackcomb, by Whitewater Midstream. If you’re impacted by this or any other pipeline project, you should get the help of a knowledgeable lawyer to guide you through the condemnation process. Call Philip at 800-266-4870 or text the office at 979-320-9320. Our offices are in Wharton County and we help landowners all over Texas.
Summary of the Blackcomb Pipeline Project Video
Hi, Phil Hundl here again with a pipeline alert. We do these from time to time when we become aware of new pipeline projects. As many of you know, you landowners have been affected by pipelines. There have been a lot of pipeline projects, and it seems there continue to be many new gas pipeline projects.
The one I want to talk to you all about today is the Blackcomb Project. This is a project put together by Whitewater. Many of you have heard of Whitewater; they have various projects such as Matterhorn Express, a prior project called Whistler, and they are working on a project called Blackfin. So, they have quite a few projects in process or completed.
This particular project is referred to by them and in the media as Blackcomb, and it will basically run the same route as the Whistler project. It runs from the Permian in West Texas and takes a southerly route to the hub in Agua Dulce, which is south of Corpus Christi in Nueces County. So, it’s more or less the same route as the Whistler Project.
It could deviate some, so if you were affected by the Whistler Project, you may soon be contacted by right-of-way agents asking for survey permission on a project called Blackcomb. As with many of these projects, sometimes there are deviations from the prior route, so you may not have been affected by the Whistler project, but now you’re getting a call from a right-of-way agent about this Blackcomb project.
I want you to be aware of it, aware of the rights you have as a landowner, and the obligations they have as a pipeline company. In this case, they’re the condemnor or intend to be the condemnor.
What counties are we talking about? Let’s mention a few of them: Nueces, Jim Wells, Duval, McMullen, La Salle, Dimmit, Zavala, Maverick, Kinney, Val Verde, and Crockett. These are some of the main counties that are going to be affected.

This is approximately a 365-mile pipeline project. As of right now, it’s contemplated to be a 42-inch diameter line – a large pipeline project. Forty-two inches is one of the largest diameters we see in pipeline projects. The Blackfin Project by Whitewater is 48 inches, which is massive.
So, once again, if you’re being contacted by right-of-way agents, be aware of your rights. They will most likely be seeking access for surveying. Understand what that means. And as we always recommend and suggest, contact an attorney who handles condemnation cases for landowners, understands the process, and can help you with it.
Call 800-266-4870 or text 979-320-9320 for an appointment. We can also arrange for online and telephone appointments all over Texas.