Summary of Wharton County Landowners: Protect Your Rights in the Highway 59/I-69 Expansion Project Video
Hi, I’m Phil Hundl with Land Rights Law. I represent landowners facing eminent domain and condemnation proceedings. For those of us in Wharton County, we are all very aware of the construction on Highway 59, now also referred to as I-69. Specifically for those landowners that are along Highway 59, you are being or have been contacted by right of way agents related to this project.
Many of these tracts have already been acquired on the northern part of the county. However, they are continuing the acquisition of tracts along Highway 59 in a southerly direction. If you’re a landowner that has been recently contacted about the state acquiring some of your land for this expansion, it’s extremely important that you understand the obligations of the condemnor, in this case, the state, and the rights you have as a landowner.
I recommend that you become familiar with the eminent domain process and I suggest that you review many of the resources that I have available on my website and my blog with the links below.
Important things to remember if you’re a landowner being affected by this expansion is, number one, how much of your property are they taking? You need to understand the plats. They will be providing you with appraisals. It’s important to review and understand those appraisals. And my suggestion is to visit with an attorney that is very familiar with eminent domain and condemnation proceedings. There are things that you definitely need to pay attention to. What improvements on your property, if any, will be affected by the acquisition or the expansion of the highway? And then also, what is it going to do to the value of the rest of your property with this highway expansion? So, many things that you as a landowner need to take into consideration, so I strongly suggest that you become more familiar with your rights and their obligations.
Call 800-266-4870 or text 979-320-9320 for an appointment. We can also arrange for online and telephone appointments all over Texas.